Author: changinglives


Although it is unrealistic to believe we will always be stress free and is unavoidable at times, we must ensure we keep it at bay. Stress does not discriminate and has been identified to be one of the most serious health issues in the 20th century (Workplace Stress, 2018). Stress manifests itself in different ways and […]

Setting Boundaries

Setting positive boundaries. When you hear the word boundaries what comes to mind? It is easy to lose sight of setting positive boundaries to ensure we look after our Mental Health and Well-being. Setting boundaries is something that is important in all areas of our lives, from emotional boundaries to physical boundaries. What are Healthy […]


The word worry comes from an old English expression meaning “strangle” which pretty much sums up what it feels like especially when it is excessive.  It is however human nature to participate in this activity of worry at some stage of your life, whether it be daily or on and off on different occasions. Research […]

Being Present

There are ways to help self-regulate when we are feeling overwhelmed, overworked or overloaded with information. All it takes is 10 minutes to bring yourself to the here and now. Become present!Breathing When we are anxious or upset our breathing becomes more rapid. We can feel better by deliberately slowing and relaxing our breathing. Anxious […]